Thursday, April 26, 2012

A "Sort of" Update

This blog has been seriously neglected. I could back track, however;
I can't really remember all that has been going on. Tyler is
getting ready to finish the semester and is so excited that he can't hardly
stand it. I'm so proud of him. He has worked so hard this semester.
His hard work has definitely paid off! He is now going to be graduating in the
fall with his bachelors degree in Spanish. After that we are planning
on moving to Arizona where one of his good friends has offered him a job.
As for me, I'm still in cosmetology school and loving (almost)
every second. I have recently been given an honorable mention award for
a student competition called Beacon. It includes cosmetology
students in all North America. There were about one
thousand participants and I was fortunate to be in the top two hundred.
This is a great accomplishment for me and I'm quite proud of myself. Sorry
I had to give myself a pat on the back! ;) Not only will
this be a great thing to put onto my resume, but I get a free trip to Vegas
and get to receive classes from the best of the best! My goal is
to no longer neglect this blog so that those that don't live around us
know what's going on in our lives! We love you all and hope life
is bringing you the best! Next post will be coming soon:)

1 comment:

  1. It seems so easy to keep up to date on the blog, but it really isn't!!
    Way to go on being in the top 200, that is awesome! And Congratulation to Tyler on graduating in the fall. It's so nice being done with school.
