Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

This year was our turn to spend Thanksgiving with Tyler's family.
We had an absolute blast! After being in St.George for a few days we decided
to go to Las Vegas to meet our new niece Jocelyn Kate Irvin.

First time holding Jocelyn

Jersey and her new baby sister

My "baby" Jayne.. She is no longer a baby but she will always be mine

She is an absolute angel. I don't think I heard her cry once the whole
time we were there. It was so good to see Jay's beautiful family and
get to spend some time with them.

My father-in-law, Vardell, is a Harley fanatic. I've always
wanted to ride on one but we never were able to find the time to go for
a ride. Finally the day came and I can't explain how excited I was!

Our original plan was to go to Springville and grab some lunch. However,
it was cold and very windy so we decided to go out to Huricane and
head back home. Tyler and I both had a blast and now I can
understand why Vardell loves Harleys so much.

This trip we also get to hold for the first time ANOTHER new
niece. Peyton belongs to Megan and Curtis and is their second girl.
She is absolutely beautiful! Due to Megan's awesome timing we got to
go to Peyton's blessing that Sunday.

Grandma and Peyton

Doesn't it look like we need one of these?! :)

Niccole and Geoff

Grandma and Grandpa

The whole Fam Damnly

Our Thanksgiving was filled with food, love and family. I couldn't have
asked for more. Thank you all for making a difference in my
life. I'm grateful to be a part of the Curtis clan.

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