Saturday, September 24, 2011

BYU... Not Sure if I'm a Big Fan... Don't Hate

Once again because of Tyler's job we got some hook ups at the BYU game
last night. We had already had some mediocre tickets but
somehow Tyler talked a guy into letting us sit in the KSL radio booth.
This was our view..

As you can tell our seats rocked! We got free food, nice comfy seats,
nearby bathrooms, perfect air temps and some awesome cougar tails! We both 
were having a blast but for some reason I was stressing out for the 
Radio men. I've always listened to people broadcast games on the radio but 
never realized how difficult it really was and how many people it
involved. However, I'm torn... I can't decide if I'm a BYU or a Utah fan.
Obviously Utah is better because of the game that we all witnessed not too long
ago. But BYU is just awesome and I love the campus. I feel torn. I want
to be a fan of both.. Is that possible?

Sorry about the picture I had to download it off my phone and for some
reason it didn't work too well. These two random men (Mark and Greg) are the
KSL Radio broadcasters. They were both really nice, but I felt like
Greg always cut off Mark!! Which might be his job but I don't know!

The night was going so well until Tyler walked me to my car and we discovered
it was MISSING!!! Don't worry it didn't get stolen.. It got towed because of my lack of
attention to detail. That handicap of mine cost us $175! I tried to lighten
the mood that both Tyler and I were in by saying, "Well at least we will miss the
crazy traffic!" Because of Tyler's reaction I now know that was the worst
thing I could have said.

Other than the car being towed and me feeling very upset about having to pay
$175 for 3 hours of parking, last night was a blast!

Wild Cherry

Because of Tyler's job we got some free tickets to Wild Cherry water park...
We had never even heard of Wild Cherry but we needed to get out and
have some fun so we decided to give it a chance.

Little to say.. we felt a little (or A LOT) out of place. It was filled
with millions of little children and their parents. I felt like everyone was
staring at us like we were pedophiles! Which they probably weren't and
it was probably just Tyler and I feeling a little out of place...
However, I think we can say that besides the weird looks and the water feeling
warm each time we passed little kids, we still had fun. It was nice to get out
of the house and be able to spend some time together.

This is Tyler doing a REALLY good job at trying not to throw a fit..  Let's
just say this whole water park adventure was my idea. He's such a good sport!

Even though the water park was a little lame, and I'm not even sure if it is
called Wild Cherry, I was just happy to be with my cute husband.