I've decided to do a little back tracking just so everyone can slowly catch up to what's going on in our lives. I could go all the way back to December when we got married,
however; I don't really feel like doing that.:) So I just decided to start with a mile
stone in Tyler's education. He received his associates this May and was able
to walk with his sister Niccole.
Geoff, Niccole, Tyler and I after they officially graduated!
We had the privilege to hear from President Thomas S. Monson for the ceremony. It was
such a blessing to actually hear him in person and be able to personally witness a true
prophet in action. I had never seen a prophet in person before. I swear the spirit that surrounded
him filled the whole room, little to say I was very touch by his presence and the words he spoke. He spoke a lot about attitude and how if we are constantly trying to
be positive happiness will follow. :)
Tyler's Family (Excluding Brooklyn and Curtis)
The whole weekend was filled with Curtis fun, and some Curtis fits.:) Tiffanie (Tyler's oldest sister)
and Trent (her husband) came down to support Tyler and Niccole. It meant a lot to
Tyler that his sister would come down and spend some time with us on his special day. That's
the great thing about family... You know they'll always be there for you!
Graduates and the parents
I love my husband and am so proud of him. He's such a hard worker and is constantly
helping me be a better person. Now that he has his associates he'll be working towards his bachelors at the U. After the dreadful MCAT and hours of volunteer work, homework and stress
he'll finally be able to start med school. He's passionate about helping people and
that's what he'll be able to do! Just about everyday we say,
Seven years of sacrificing and scrimping money sounds good to me. After all, in the long
run it will all be worth it! He'll get to help people and I'll be able to
enjoy his pay check. ;) We've already put together a family wish list. The list contains all
the fun toys and presents we want to give to our families someday! If you're
family and wondering what's on the list for you.. don't ask! It's a surprise:)